Holidays are hard

I'm a single mom of a 19 year old boy and 14 year old girl. Blessed with one of each, now teenagers. I'm having a hard time at Christmas, we don't have much family around, I'm an only child and my parents are gone.

Trying to figure out ways to make Christmas Day fun(it's just the 3 of us) and create some kind of good memory. It's hard because I really miss all the Christmases with my family growing up, now gone.

I want my kids to have good memories too, feel like I've failed them, as I'm sure many single moms do, no matter how hard we try. Any ideas would be helpful, I'm just thinking of making their favorite foods and having a pj day. Maybe a game or movie.

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Dec 27, 2014
Getting Through Christmas
by: Sara

Hi Ronnie!

(First I want to apologize for being a bit late with this. I did not get my usual email notification.)

The holidays certainly can be hard. Being single during the holidays is tough in and of itself. When you carry the burden and pressure of compensating for a missing parent, holidays can be excruciating.

The good news is that the holidays are much tougher on you than on your kids. They are happy to have a day off school and of course getting presents goes a long way toward keeping spirits high.

Starting new traditions is a great idea. Given that your kids are older, I suggest just asking them what they want to do. Christmas lights at the Zoo, movies and hot chocolate with popcorn, the pj day is an awesome idea. I also like having their favorite foods. Christmas day for us starts with pancakes, sausage and eggs, and then we have a later lunch of whatever finger foods they have chosen, and we play board games.

Chat with the kids and come up with something fun for New Year's. The kids will both look forward to it with great anticipation, and will one day look back on those times with wonderful memories.

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