Toddler Bunk Beds

toddler bunk bed

Bunk beds offer a variety of advantages, from saving space to being affordable to bringing an element of fun into any child’s bedroom. If you are preparing to transition your little one from a crib into a “big kid’s bed,” you may want to consider toddler bunk beds. As small children have unique needs and discriminations, you will want to seek out age-appropriate designs, sizes and safety features when shopping for toddler bunk beds. Following are some insights and ideas to help you get started.

Some factors apply to all toddlers, no matter their gender. For instance, you may want to look for sets that are smaller or lower when shopping for little ones. These will inherently provide more safety, especially for a small child who is used to sleeping in an enclosed crib. In addition, seek those that provide added security features such as guardrails that wrap all the way around the top bunk and stairs that are removable so your little one cannot climb up or down without your assistance.

Little boys tend to prefer things that go fast, make loud noises or simply offer some element of danger. If this sounds like your child, there are several designs that should fit the bill. A vivid red bunk bed set designed to look like a fire engine or a black bed resembling a swarthy pirate ship will excite any little man. Other themes a toddler boy might enjoy include bunk beds designed to look like spaceships, tree houses or train engines.

Little girls are often equally passionate about pastel colors, fairy tales and dolls. For these little princesses, look for toddler bunk beds built in the shape of a castle or life size dollhouse in shades of purple, pink and white –glitter or rhinestones make them even better. Other designs a toddler girl might appreciate include simple white sets with ornate cutouts and scrolling woodworking as well as those designed to resemble playhouses, complete with functioning doors and shuttered windows.

Of course, every child is different and you may very well have a little boy who wants to climb into a castle every night or a little girl who dreams of a racecar bed. Consider your child’s unique taste when choosing designs. Above all, determine whether your toddler is ready to sleep in this type of big kid’s bed. Safety should always come first.

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