How to get time to yourself ?

by Chery'l
(Atlanta, Ga)

Hi, My name is Chery'l and I'm 21 years old. I have a 1 year old baby girl and I'm seeking advice on getting some time alone. It's very hard because I live at home with my parents, I'm currently unemployed and her Father is in and out of our lives...Basically meaning I can't help contribute to any bills or even take care of either of us and that she's with me each and everyday ALL DAY. So I'm sure you know I'm frustrated with everything going on and longing for some time to be alone and clear my head or at least get a little break from my little one.

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Alone Time
by: Ask Sara

Hi Chery'l!

You are indeed in a tough spot. Alone time isn't easy for moms to find. I'm sure you've considered friends, asking your parents, etc.

This has been an issue for moms forever. My mom was a stay at home mom for part of our lives and I remember her saying all the time, "These kids are driving me crazy!" lol!

If friends or relatives aren't an option for an afternoon to yourself try to rethink "alone time". You may be dependent on "quiet time" instead. Naps, a few minutes after bedtime, while your child is playing quietly, walks, these may be your stolen minutes of rejuvenation for a little while. If you can do a little yoga while watching your child you can extract the mental benefits of alone time without actually being alone.

The best advice I got when I had 2 under 2 was:

"It won't always be this way."

Breathe deeply, and hang in there! are incredible!!


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