
by DJ

I am a single mom of 6 kids 3 of whom still live at home. i was recently let go from my job. I am able to collect unemployment. I struggle every day. My ex-husband is 22,000 behind in child support and has no interaction with his kids at all.

I have been a mother and father for the past 10 years and it has taken its toll both mentally and physically. I struggle daily to try and figure out how to get along with my kids and how for them to get along with each other. I love my kids but i just need a break from some always being in my house 24/7.

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Mar 22, 2012
Praying for you
by: Anonymous

I know that you are feeling tired and drained and frustrated, or at least, I know I am. The details are different but I can relate to your challenge right now. For me, I had to take a break, reach out for help from those I trust and ask them to watch mine for a little while, to give me a couple days to be only responsible for me.

It feels wrong but I know it's better to take a little break than to completely burn out, so if you in any way are able to do something like that—and I will be praying that an opportunity will open up for you to do so-you need to take some time for yourself. Time to process what's going on, time to cry, time to laugh, time to just be by yourself focused on yourself. Even if it's just a nice walk in nature while the kids are at school, something just for you.

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