My 2-1/2 Year Old Won't Listen

by annn

Hi, I have a son who is 2 and a half. He doesn't listen to a word I say anymore. I can't cope with it anymore. All I do is just cry because I don't know what to do.

I need some advice. I've been a single mother since he was born and I've had no one to tell me how to raise a child.

I just did what I know. Maybe I haven't been strict enough please help. :( thanks

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Terrible Two's!
by: Sara

Hi Annn!

Bless your heart! You certainly aren't the first parent to crumble under the antics of a 2 year old.

First let me say, it gets better. Take a deep breath and know that.

I'm not sure what your son is doing, so I'm going to give you some general pointers.

First, be consistent. This is a must.

Don't bargain, beg, plead, or argue.

You need to be a detective. What happens right before your child misbehaves? This is the part you need to address. Is your child bored? Getting into stuff he shouldn't? Does he want some attention from you? It's always easiest to alter the environment or distract your child.

If that doesn't work and your child does something he shouldn't, address it in a firm voice by saying, "No". Say it again if needed. Be sure you don't laugh, or waiver in any way.

If your child needs a time out be sure to react right away and every time. Two minutes (1 minute for each year of age). If your child gets up, return your child to the chair without emotion until you get to 2 minutes.

Keeping your child busy and engaged takes a lot of energy, but keeps the bad behavior down.

Finally, always remember to tell your son what you want him to do versus what you don't want him to do. For example, instead of telling him to stop running, tell him to walk. These kinds of instructions are easier for his brain to process.

As frustrating as the situation is, remember that your son is a toddler. There isn't anything he can do that is going to mess up your world. He's just a bit annoying right now.
Good luck! You got this. :)

Hugs and Love!

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