My Son's Father is Bisexual.....

by Maritza

I found out my children's father is bisexual, I also knew for a while he was sexually abused when he was younger. I don't feel comfortable leaving my kids alone with him due to his history. I want to know how others would take this kind of information and what to do with it. please I need advice, I'm very worried.

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My daughters father
by: Floglow

I honestly feel the same feeling about my child's father not because he is gay but the deception. He wouldn't ever be honest and i am afraid to tell anyone about the things he did with me sexually. I felt my boundaries would be crossed with his fantasies. I feel like he is a sexual deviant. I was also told he did escorting before we met and that truly was scary. If someone lies to themselves how are they honest to anyone? I do not know maybe I'm just over protective after the lies cheating and stealing but i cant be to safe . what should i do about making sure my daughter is safe?

You are completely responsible for your daughter's safety. You must report your concerns, and you must protect your daughter.


by: Mona

Great blog post.

by: Linda

Hey, Thanks for the great blog. I'm a big fan of your writing style. I will comeback and read all the other articles you posted. Keep posting like this.

I can't believe this question
by: Anonymous

I was abused aged 8 years old, in a dormitory. I had to live with being bullied for the following 5 years before I left the school. I dated girls ever since and managed to put the whole event out of my mind. Many years later I got married to a woman I deeply loved and had a son. 3 years after I got married, it suddenly struck me that my school had been deeply negligent and that if I didn't hold them to account, they might continue to be as slack in their responsibilities with other children - including possibly my son - an unthinkable event by any parent's standards. I suddenly realized I had to prosecute the school for negligence and have the guy involved listed on the sex offenders register. The detectives who took my statement tried to pursue the case, but the Prosecution Service elected not to pursue the case because all of my 26 witnesses refused to give evidence, probably because several members of a prominent royal family had attended the school with me and after 20 years, my witnesses, all of whom the police managed to track down and interview, clearly didn't want that kind of hassle.

I luckily gave the school an major scare as several of the teachers were taken in for questioning, including one who collapsed when the police confronted him at his door. It didn't go any further, but there was a sufficient fear established to ensure no teacher overlooked such matters in that school ever again.

Several years later, my wife and I separated due to being extremely unhappy together. She had fallen pregnant before we had got to know one another, and it just hadn't worked out.

Two years after that, to my total surprise, I met a man who I realised I was attracted to. It was not possible to misread what was going on and knowing the world to be considerably enlightened from my parent's generation, I decided to confront this very surprising turn of events head on, and inform my parents and closest friends that I was apparently bisexual.

I would die to protect my son. My ex-wife, my father and all my friends support me. If this woman considers me to be an abomination, I consider her to be an abomination a thousand times over. My son goes to a wonderful catholic school rated “outstanding” by Ofsted, the highest accolade, where one of his teachers is a highly respected gay man. The greatest man alive, the Dalai Llama famously stated it IS okay for non-monks to practise homosexuality. There is no doubt in most people’s minds that it is okay to love someone and pursue a relationship with them, regardless of their gender. The idea that it automatically reflects on the personality in any other way is ludicrous.

In the end, it's all about integrity, intelligence, compassion, and soundness of mind. If your ex-partner has all these things, you're better than fine - you're extremely lucky. It's things like forced repression that breed insanity.

teach your children compassion
by: Anonymous

Are you kidding?? Why would you be concerned about leaving your kids with their father just because he is bisexual? So what if he is bisexual? That doesn't make him a threat to the safety of your kids. Bisexuals are attracted to adult men and women. It doesn't make him a pedophile who would harm your children. Embrace the opportunity to teach your children compassion for all people regardless of differences. Homosexuality is not a choice or a disease. You should not teach your children anything negative about their father simply because he is bisexual. Your children deserve the opportunity to have a loving, respectful relationship with their father so long as he is a good and responsible dad.

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