Raising three kids while struggling financially

I am a single mother of three kids. I take care of two by myself. What I want to know is it ok to break down sometimes when you can't afford to take care of your kids like you should because you don't have a job or financial support from the fathers?

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Do What It Takes!
by: Ask Sara :)

God bless you! Breakdowns are to be expected under such pressures, and "letting it all out" is both necessary and healthy.

Please know that you are fabulous! You are working super hard everyday to fulfill your responsibilities and be an incredible mom. Being overwhelmed doesn't mean you aren't succeeding, it just means you have a lot on your plate. I can't tell you the number of times I have just sobbed, and sobbed. Let it out, and move on.

We are here for you, and we are proud of you!

Much love,

Yes it's okay.
by: Anonymous

I feel for you. I have 2 kids and no family, no support system, no child support and as of April no job. I have gone thru so much these past 10 years that I rarely feel emotions. I am so anxious all the time. I wish I could cry. I think it's fine to break down as long as you don't scare your kids when you do it. There are so many things I want to give my kids but we have no money for school clothes, supplies, let alone vacations. It's sad and I hope that things change for them so that they can experience the world. I feel it's too late for me to have the kind of normal life most have but I pray my kids are able to find the way.

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