Stress Galore

Me and my ex split when my little one was only about 3 months. We just got our own place so we were both on the lease. Now that we have split I am needing to get of the lease so I can get my own place but he hasn't even bothered to come with me as he needs to sign it too. And just yesterday I was needing panadol for bub and he didn't even bother to do that for me, as I have no car.

He hardly ever sees his son and never helps out even with money. All he is doing is stress me out by not paying rent and the landlord is close to taking us to court over it. He is also quite abusive. I don't know what to do :/

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Oct 03, 2012
Been there!!
by: Mariana

Hopefully you have figured things out since you posted it a few months ago. Ive been there when I split with the father of my daughter when she was 3 months but unfortunetly it was because of his drug addiction. The best advice I could give you if the situation is getting violent walk away and leave no matter what.. Your strong and you are great mom. your child comes first and always think of his benefit. Just because he is the father doesn't make him the best thing for your son.. Hope everything is going well

Jun 09, 2012
by: Single Dads Advice Column

Best bet is to make arrangement with landlord: sublet, find new leasee, or stay and find a roommate , release the ex. You ll have to treat lease and support as two separate item., Seems rent is your priority now. Once you ve settled housing away from ex, then negotiate needs of child.

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