by B
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi! I'm a father of 3 beautiful, caring and loving women (23, 18, 15). Following the separation from their mother last January, they've slowly drifted away from me. I'm not sure if I'm experiencing empty nest syndrome or being alienated from my daughters, but not seeing them in the last few months (more than 5-10 minutes) is torture. It turns out that my ex is involving our daughters in all aspects of the divorce. Showing emails, lawyers letter asking her to come to the table and settle things, not involve the children, etc... I will admit that some of the emails weren't in my best judgement and I allowed my frustration to get the better of me (she knows how to push my buttons).
I've left them all in the house, while paying all the bills. I've been in and out of my parents basements while they all live in the house I've provided for them, with the mother-in-law and now the boyfriend staying over every other weekend (if not more often).
I'm glad my ex has found someone please don't get me wrong, but I've sacrificed a lot and without contact with my daughters... I don't really see the point in maintaining a comfortable lifestyle for my ex, her mother and the new boyfriend. It's been well over a year now since we've separated and she's fighting me on every front.
My lawyer is now going to force the sale of the house, so I can live. He's also warned me that this may alienate my daughters further from me, because I will receive all the blame. I've been unable to purchase groceries for myself from time to time and have been fortunate enough to have family to have helped me out thus far.
Unfortunately, they are now being made the target from the ex and her family and it's killing my parents (as they've done nothing wrong but give me refuge in my time of need). I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. I'm seeking counselling for me at this time (which is helping). I've asked my ex to seek it for her self... as she's been alienated from her father as well (there's a pattern in her family of doing this. I've seen it first hand with her mother).
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